On Tuesday I fell over in my bedroom and pretty much did the splits whilst trying to save myself from falling off the ledge that makes my room split level.
At first I thought I would wake up Wednesday and be fine but much to my dismay after a trip to the hospital in the morning I found out that I have torn a ligament and need to wear a brace and use crutches for who knows how long. It wouldn't actually be that bad (besides the fact that I cant walk) but I also have to do my own injections daily to prevent thrombosis. Ummm hello - scared of needles!!!!!! I did the first one today though and it wasnt so bad, hahaha I kind of jabbed myself three times before I pushed it all the way in though... blehhhhhh!
So I guess I better start where I left off though and fill you in on the last few weeks of my life minus my injuries. Oh but P.S my back is better!!
So once I was fully mobile again I kept myself busy by going out alot!! Money that should have been being put aside for my "grand tour" at the end of my 2 years was being spent on vodka, but we have been having fun so thats the main thing right?
I also met a few new Australian au Pairs so it has been nice to have some Aussie girl friends here.
My beautiful babies are, as you can see, growing up so fast. Maxine and Nicolas love having their photos taken!
And yes, Nicolas does have a hairclip in his hair. ;-)
As for the winter that we had, it was pretty much non-existent. Now we are paying for it with the most random weather ever. It has now snowed twice this month and that includes my house on the lake, so in other words - IT MUST BE COLD!!
Hahaha I kind of like it because it means that I am living like a swiss person, but I am also ready for Summer and lazy Sundays by the lake!
So on the one good day of sunshine that we got last week, some friends and I decided to take a small walk across the pass from the Uetliberg (Zurichs highest point) to Adliswil which is furthur up the lake.
It was a beautiful day, very clear and warm. We had a nice time just enjoying the sun and the good view. We could even see the mountains and all the way up the lake. This time last year I also took this walk but it wasn't nearly as beautiful!
My house is just around the bend on the left side of the lake.
So Sunday was spent preparing for my Easter long weekend and finalising things. Monday was St Patties day and I must admit I have never celebrated before so it was a good excuse to go out and get a beer (not a Guiness though, I just couldnt bring myself to drink that) and celebrate with friends. Rainy and cold we all wore green and had a great night.
Lacey and I left for Croatia on the night train with our three friends Nic, Huw and Christos on Thursday night.
Our girl friends Jess and Camey were also on the same train as us but they were getting off in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Now, I probably wouldn't recommend a sleeping 6 person couchette for 14 hours to my worst enemy but we had fun on the way there, excited for our trip to begin. Once 10am rolled around though on Good Friday I was ready to get off that train and start exploring.
We had hired a car from Zagreb and planned to travel south and explore some of the major cities. So on Day One we got our car and headed to Zadar. On the coast this city was cute and had lots of good shops. We discovered that Croatian beer is great (probably my favourite so far) and the country itself is not very expensive.
Sadly the weather was pretty miserable the whole time we were away. On the Friday night we wandered around Zadar and went for dinner. We then stayed at the HIH and had the best nights sleep in weeks.
Leaving early on Saturday we headed for Split. 5 adults crammed into a Holden Astra was not the most comfortable method of transportation but we finally made it and realised we LOVE Split! Lacey and I ran away from the boys and got our hit of retail therapy. We enjoyed walking through the city and checking out the palace.
Saturday night in our hostel was heaps of fun as we met a few aussies and some american college girls so we all went to a club on the waterfront. Had lots of fun with tequila until sensible Lacey and I braved a down fall and ran home. It would be safe to say that I looked like I had swam in the beach that night.
Sunday was fairly tense as the girls and the boys had different ideas about what we wanted to do. In the end the boys won and we went to the island of Hvar. After a two hour boat ride we arrived to what looked like a ghost town seeing as everything was shut. We had a nice lunch though and then went to the capital city Hvar town. This pretty town was really nice and we went up to the Venetian Fortress to get the best view of the city. We then caught the 5.30pm ferry home. Once in Split we left quickly and jumped in the car, ready for the 3 hour trip to Plitivice Lakes in central Croatia.
The car ride was fairly disastrous as the trip a) took longer than expected b) we got caught in a blizzard c) boys are stupid and cant read maps and d) boys are stupid
We got lost!!! Didnt even end up at the correct accommodation and then ended up knocking on a poor persons motel door at 1.30am in the morning. Thankfully Croatian people are uber friendly and they let us stay in their rooms but still..... I nearly punched people Sunday night!!
Hehe so after our eventful night we left at 8.30am after several attempts to back our car out (it got snowed in!!) and then we headed to the lakes. Realised that the lakes were covered in snow and couldnt be bothered to pay to get in...... so...... we then headed back to the capital city, Zagreb, and spent the day there after returning the car.
Everything in Zagreb was shut for the day, since it was Easter Monday, so I made it my goal to eat as much as I could in 5 hours seeing as there was nothing else to do and there was no supermarkets open to buy snacks for the upcoming 14 hour train ride which commenced at 6.30pm
Once my friends rolled me on to the train, we were prepared to have a good nights sleep after a few drinks. Unfortunately our plans were destroyed when we realised that a mum and her 8 year old kid were going to be sharing our cabin. Mother and daughter went to sleep (in the same tiny bed) at 7.30pm forcing us to turn off the lights and try to sleep.
Camey and Jess got on the train at about 10pm that night so Lacey and I chatted to them about our trips but then it was sleep time for good.
Highlights of the trip for me were finding a Macdonalds, shopping at Mango and falling in love with Croatia.... oh and the most important thing for me was buying my fake dior sunnies, so in love (hahahahahaha)and also how could I forget the number of stamps I got in my passport! Tips for future trips are don't travel with boys, dont catch night trains and try not to fall asleep on top of your ipod (yep another one broken)
Once in Switzerland we found that the snow hadnt just randomly hit Croatia but it had engulfed Zurich and it was freezing.
Sunshining though I was so glad to be home and out of the nightmarish train!! Not until 2pm that day did my new nightmare begin once I fell over.
Back to the hospital on Monday, the doctors will be able to tell me once the swelling goes down whether I need an operation or not. Fingers crossed that I just have to wear this massive brace for the next year of my life and thats it!!
Soooo, thats it from me for now. I hope you are all well and happy back home.
Havent heard from some of you in a while - hope I do soon!!