Saturday, January 09, 2010

I remember the millenium bug...

Wow so it is 2010.... ten years ago I was 16 and the world was in fear of a computer meltdown. Obviously nothing happened and life went on as it always did.

One month ago I finished my first year of university. First semester I achieved two HD's and two Credits. This past semester I got three Distinctions and one Credit which I am really proud of. Kim and Kate have now both finished university and have both landed excellent jobs in their field. I am so excited for them and cant wait till I am a qualified teacher and can get out there and make some money.

Still living the dream of meeting my husband soon and settling down and having the kids and the puppy in the nice house.... actually thought I had met Mr Right by the end of last year but he too turned out to be a toad after we kissed. Not actually sure why I am documenting this but a friend once said to me you have to meet a few bad ones before the good one arrives.... still waiting but it sure is an adventure on the way.

Too keep me busy through this massive three month holiday we have between semesters one of my best Switzerland buddies has come to Australia for two weeks. Camey arrived in Australia on New Years Eve day and the following day Abbey came too. We have enjoyed fireworks on the harbour, rainy weather in Sydney, a Manly night-out, a windy trip down the Great Ocean Rd with countless other tourists, an adventure filled few days in Becs hometown of Mount Gambier and finally a beautiful night in Melbourne thanks to my dear Uncle.

Now back in Sydney, Camey and I are catching up on much needed rest after a 5am arrival at the airport this morning and a few more touristy days planned before Cameys departure back to America. It makes me so grateful yet again for my time in Switzerland because I have been blessed with meeting these additional beautiful people in my life. I think in all honesty I will be friends forever with Bec and Camey as we reminise about the 'places we will go.... and will go'. Bec is having a baby in July and I cannot wait to see her again as a mother, she will be perfect and her path is now paved for her to lead a fantastic life - Bec everything is going to be fine x x x

Another perfect supplement to my 2010 was the arrival of my Swiss babies for a stint in Sydney. The twins, once up to my belly button are now well up to my chest and Noel has lost seven teeth. Once more I wont forget seeing Nicolas after 12 months and how is face lit up when he saw me and the way he dived over chairs to embrace me after all this time... how stupid I was to think he may have forgtotten me. Just like I will never forget them.... One day I will be back there with them... even if the feeling isnt the same, some of the people I love will be in the place I love, a few of my favourites such as Lacey, Bec and Camey will be missing however.

So thats my story so far for this new year, full of new beginnings and new respect for myself. I am tired of trying to please and be something I am not, so as of 13th of January, the official date for this revolution, life will be better and my smile will be bigger.